
FAQs Online learning courses

Your ultimate guide to navigating distance learning at LIBF. Find answers to all your frequently asked questions.

Studying with LIBF online

Our credentials

Exams and other assessments

During my studies

Your free iPad

Entry requirements

Fees and funding options

After graduation

Contact us about our online degrees

Any questions about our online degrees or studying at LIBF? Our Study Advisors are here to help.

Our office is open Monday to Friday from 8.00am to 5.30pm UK time.

Get your online degree digital prospectus

You’ll find everything you need to know about studying an online degree with us in our digital prospectus. To receive your personalised prospectus, please fill out the form below with a valid email address.

Once you've submitted the form, keep an eye on your inbox for your prospectus to arrive via email.