Your registration fee includes the qualification study materials, and the first sitting of your exam and/or coursework. You will also gain access to MyLIBF (our student portal). Some qualifications include a hard copy of the study text, access to student forums, tutor forum support and specimen papers.
If you need to resit your exam or coursework, you will need to register and pay for a resit.
We do not offer payment plans for our qualifications.
Recognition of prior learning (RPL):
Recognition of prior learning (RPL) encompasses a student’s previous non-certificated and certificated achievements obtained through another awarding organisation. This has previously been known as an exemption.
Please read our Recognition of Prior Learning Policy as it explains the steps to take when applying. Your application will need to include certified copies of your qualification certificate or transcript.
We aim to provide an outcome within 10 working days. If we need longer, we will let you know.
Special consideration:
The Special Consideration Policy applies to students who believe they have been disadvantaged during, or before, an assessment because of an injury, illness or other unforeseen temporary circumstance beyond their control that may have adversely affected their performance in one or more assessments.
Please read our Special Consideration Policy as it explains the steps to take when applying. Your application will need to include supporting documentation.
Given the individual nature of special consideration claims, we would recommend that you contact our Student Support team on +44 (0)1227 818609 or for an informal discussion before you submit your application.
For your claim to be considered, you must have initially notified us of your circumstances on or before the submission deadline for coursework or within five days of the exam date. Any applications made outside of this timescale must include an explanation as to why the delay has occurred.
We aim to provide an outcome within 5-10 working days. It may take longer if your application is referred to the Concessionary Board.
Reasonable adjustment:
We are committed to providing an inclusive educational experience for all students, regardless of any disabilities or learning difficulties they may have and realise that, without reasonable adjustment, students may be prevented from demonstrating their true level of ability during an assessment.
Given the individual nature of reasonable adjustments, we recommend that you contact our Student Support team on +44 (0)1227 818609 or for an informal discussion before you submit your request. This will allow us to fully understand the nature of your circumstances and advise you on the type of supporting evidence required.
The Reasonable Adjustments Policy explains the steps to take when applying and has an application form included. Your application must be received, with supporting documentation, at least six weeks prior to the date when the adjustment will need to be in place.
Recognition of prior learning (RPL) encompasses a student’s previous non-certificated and certificated achievements obtained through another awarding organisation. This has previously been known as an exemption.
You can apply by completing the RPL application form and sending the form and certified copies of your qualification certificate or transcript to the email or postal address on the form.
We aim to consider and respond with an outcome to your application within 10 working days. In the event that an enquiry proves complex, we may need longer than initially anticipated to investigate it. In such cases, we will make sure that you are kept informed of progress.
LIBF is committed to providing an inclusive educational experience for its students, regardless of any disabilities or learning difficulties they may have and realises that, without reasonable adjustment, students may be prevented from demonstrating their true level of ability during an assessment.
Given the individual nature of reasonable adjustments, we would recommend that you contact the Student Support Services team by telephone on +44 (0)1227 829499 or email for an informal discussion before you submit a request. This will allow us to fully understand the nature of your request and advise you on the type of supporting evidence required.
You can find our CPQ Reasonable Adjustments Policy here. An application form is included within Section A, and must be sent to us at least six weeks prior to the date when the adjustment will need to be in place.
We are required by Qualifications Wales to publish a statement which specifies whether we make available qualifications in Welsh. We confirm that all our qualifications are available in English only and are therefore not available in Welsh. We do not intend to offer our qualifications in Welsh in the future.
You have 14 calendar days from your course start date to cancel your registration and arrange a refund by calling our Student and Customer Services team. You will need to return any hard copy study texts in its original condition.
After this period all fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.
If you have booked your exam with Pearson VUE (and are within the cancellation period), you will need to contact them directly at least 24 hours prior to the exam date to cancel it. Then allow at least two hours before calling our Student and Customer Services team to cancel the qualification registration and arrange a refund.
Contact Pearson VUE on +44 (0) 370 608 1915 (Europe, Middle East, Africa region).
Electronic Pearson VUE exam:
Before your registration expiry date you can cancel your exam or change your exam date, time or venue (subject to availability). You will need to contact Pearson VUE directly, giving a minimum of 24 hours’ notice online or at least one working day's notice by phone prior to your current exam booking. For example, if your exam is booked for a Monday, the latest you can reschedule is the previous Friday.
Pearson VUE can be reached via the details given on your Important Registration Information link on MyLIBF or our ‘Exam booking and information’ page.
Session based exams (set exam date as per study timetable)
Please telephone Student & Customer Services directly to discuss your options. You may be able to change your venue, but will need to call us at least eight weeks before your exam date to check.
For all exams, if you are unable to provide the required notice due to significant mitigating circumstances, such as sudden illness, please contact Students and Customer Services straight away as you may be eligible for Special Consideration. Supporting documentary evidence is required for a Special Consideration application.
You can find our CPQ Special Consideration Policy here.
If you wish to apply for special consideration, you will need to complete an application form and submit this with your documentary supporting evidence. Given the individual nature of special consideration claims, we would recommend that you also contact the Student Support Services team by telephone on +44 (0)1227 818609 or email for an informal discussion before you submit your application.
For your claim to be considered, you must have initially notified us of your circumstances on or before the submission deadline for coursework or within five days of the examination date. Any applications made outside of this timescale must include an explanation as to why the delay has occurred.
We aim to consider and respond with an outcome within 5–10 working days of receipt of your application. This timescale may be longer In the event of your application being referred to the Concessionary Board. In this instance, we will let you know the date when you application will be considered by the board and when you can expect the outcome.
Yes, this will still be available and allows you to access your study history, register for further qualifications, update your personal details and order a new Statement of Professional Standing or Certificate of Personal Achievement.
Making a result enquiry:
If you believe there has been an error in the marking of your assessment, you can apply for a result enquiry.
The Assessment Result Enquiry Policy explains the steps to take when applying and has an application form included. Your application must be received within 10 working days after we have communicated your assessment results.
This policy does not apply to students who believe their performance during an assessment may have been affected by external factors, for example noise, illness or unforeseen circumstances. These cases are dealt with under our Special Consideration Policy.
Appealing a decision:
You have the right to appeal to us to review decisions that have been made in the course of the assessment of your programme of learning. An appeal may only be submitted in relation to a final decision.
Please read our Appeals Policy as it explains the steps to take when applying, in particular section B 'making an appeal'. Your application must be received within 15 working days after we have communicated the outcome of a decision.
Making a complaint:
A complaint should be made if you are dissatisfied by one of our products or services as soon as possible, but no later than 10 working days from the date of the occurrence.
We deal with all complaints as promptly as possible and within clearly defined timescales. The stages for handling a complaint are listed in our CPQ Complaints Policy.
Please contact the Student and Customer Services team as soon as possible on +44 (0)1227 818609 or email immediately to discuss your options.
Contact us about our professional qualifications
If you have any questions about our professional qualifications in finance and banking, please contact our customer services team.
Our office is open Monday to Friday from 8.00am to 6.00pm GMT.
Call us