A young girl wearing headphones and writing in her notebook.

Financial education My financial career

My financial career provides information about different sectors, jobs and routes into the financial services industry.

A group of people on their laptops.

Financial services can seem confusing – from the technical language, to the huge variety of sectors and careers in finance.

Financial Services are the variety of products, services and facilities provided by the finance industry, which covers a huge spread of organisations that manage money including credit card and insurance companies. These range from providing bank accounts to individuals, to developing complex computer models to help governments trade and raise money.

Watch this video featuring Dominic Vallier to find out why a career in Banking and Finance is exciting and beneficial.

Watch on Youtube: Why should I pursue a career in banking & finance?

Financial career facts


The amount financial services contributed in gross value to the UK economy in 2018.

(Source: UK Parliament)


The number of people employed in financial services and related sectors in the UK.

(Source: TheCityUK)


The number of people employed in financial and professional services in London as a whole.

(Source: TheCityUK)


of financial services employees are women, at the executive level, it’s only 15 percent.

(Source: Forbes)


Number of banks incorporated in the UK.

(Source: Prudential Regulation Authority)

Financial services sector

Learn more about the different sectors in financial services.

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A-Z of finance job profiles

There are plenty roles you can consider if you want to work in financial services. To give you an idea of possibilities and career options we have listed common job profiles.

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Routes into financial services

There are several routes into the industry, from school-leaver schemes and apprenticeships to graduate training schemes and internships.

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Preparing your finance CV

Let us help you get your financial services career started with some tips on how to prepare your CV and stand out from the crowd.

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